Monday, March 5, 2012

Entry 18 - Final Video / Critique

My final video product is finished, so I'm displaying it here for viewing:

With the critique of my video finished, I realize that for the final class critique at the end of the semester, there are a few things that I will need to change:

  1. Have quiet audio at the beginning and end of the piece. This will help frame the video.
  2. Have a character pull out a boombox during the video. The music coming from nowhere is weird.
  3. Show the water glass hitting the microphone. It'll add to the video and the overall feel.
  4. Choose different breakdance music for the piece. It's not as good as it could be.
  5. Make the moon go down at the end of the video. The staticness of the background detracts.
  6. Add more to the opening background. Building more to it and making a word city could help.
For the final critique, I've been given the priveledge of breaking away from the original parameters of the project and I'm now allowed to make the final video 1:00 long. With the extra 30 seconds, I know that I can make the video better and a more cohesive piece.

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